A periodic journal dedicated to Schlegel's view of a united Western Culture (Europa) and a united Christian, Orthodox, Apostolic Church. The author will quote sources when not detractory, but many of his historical observations are not original and derive from Baron Ledhin, Rosenstock-Huessy, Oswald Spengler, and other German thinkers. Among planned titles include: Axum (First Christian kingdom), Jane Austen and Anglican Orthodoxy in Blessed Britain, and The Russian Genius for Suffering.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Clementia Dei

O Lord above, All-penetrant and dread!
O King on high, from west unbound and fair-
(Your tongue a sword) - robed white and hands of red-
Your magnitude of goodness once unbared
Surpasses vessels cracked the while by less-
Those attributes which do delight You small.
You hide Yourself, Creation can confess,
But tiny sparks of justice we see fall -
Old worlds and galaxies are doomed and burned.
Your back is turned, Whose face in lambent,
Flaming love is by our black globe spurned.
On twisted tree, a tortured God is rampant.
Your essential love should immolate us;
None shields us but Your just-hidden selflessness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, when is your first book being published? Any history behind the name "The West Wind"?

11:07 PM  
Blogger Matthew C Smallwood said...

Why thank you! I have many books that are unpublished. I will try to put some of the better stuff on here. I picked the title because, while I have many caveats about "Western culture" and even Christendom, it sickens me to see the good indiscriminately undermined with the bad in the name of freedom or multiculturalism. Only the Christians have the dominion to sort it out - everyone else has given up.

7:45 PM  

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