A periodic journal dedicated to Schlegel's view of a united Western Culture (Europa) and a united Christian, Orthodox, Apostolic Church. The author will quote sources when not detractory, but many of his historical observations are not original and derive from Baron Ledhin, Rosenstock-Huessy, Oswald Spengler, and other German thinkers. Among planned titles include: Axum (First Christian kingdom), Jane Austen and Anglican Orthodoxy in Blessed Britain, and The Russian Genius for Suffering.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Orthodoxy and Protesting

Churchianity. It's the great tendency of any church. On the one hand, it is quite true to say that outside of the Church's pale, there is no salvation. Defining the frozen limits is where God and the devil lie, in the details. To illustrate, Eastern Orthodoxy argues that you are to take up your cross, and follow Him. Monks and clerics then tell you what your cross is, and how to do that. Crucifying your passions, you are then illumined with the Incarnational life of Christ contained in the sacramental existence of the Church. Protestantism tends to say, no, take up your cross, and follow Him. There is no need to look for a cross, they say, it's right here - abstain from immorality and fleshly lusts that war against the soul. That is the true sacrament of the individual human body and temple.
These debates can go too far, and usually do. Like Satan arguing over the body of Moses, a particular Church tries to claim every inch of heroic, virtuous ground (Moses' body) for their very own, lock him away within the hallowed precincts, and threaten to shut the Church doors on any who don't get inside before the deluge. Protestantism is as guilty as Orthodoxy or Catholicism. Hence, the Spirit blows on, like the wind, wherever He wills, for saying that you can only reach God inside the Church is tantamount to claiming God can't reach someone where He wishes at all. It is one thing to warn of judgement outside the Church, and another to think that the host of witnesses and the energies of God are locked up within human categories and institutions. Thus arises Churchianity, and thus the tendency of the Church to refer to herself as Mother Kirk, the female principle, which if allowed to progress unchecked, will stifle the God Who prefers to be identified primarily as manly.
This is not to deter or degrade the Sophia principle, or the feminine characteristics of the Holy Ghost. God is also like a mother hen, and tends to all His Creation like a Mother. However, the Spirit's vision is too large for humans to completely regulate and grasp, like a woman tending her home. The prodigal can and does return. Out under the Dantean stars, in the midst of hell and war and all things gone awry thanks to men, and especially then, sometimes, in the midst of the operation of the angels of death and blood riding the whirlwind, the still, small voice of the consuming fire that does not burn can speak to the eternal rebels of man who always fly the skull and bones in their doubt and despair.
God loves even the lonesome cowboys and the cutthroat pirates of our race.
And He shall reveal it in His time.
The greatest rebel of all time was that man called Christ, who laughed at and loved all Creation, even to the depths.


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