A periodic journal dedicated to Schlegel's view of a united Western Culture (Europa) and a united Christian, Orthodox, Apostolic Church. The author will quote sources when not detractory, but many of his historical observations are not original and derive from Baron Ledhin, Rosenstock-Huessy, Oswald Spengler, and other German thinkers. Among planned titles include: Axum (First Christian kingdom), Jane Austen and Anglican Orthodoxy in Blessed Britain, and The Russian Genius for Suffering.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


This ought to alarm Europe. Islam is a gigantic, heretical, deviant Christian cultus, spawned (most likely) by a demon impersonating Gabriel (Demons were still active on the fringes of the Oikumene in the 7th century). Take the most bloodthirsty Christians, subtract any teaching on grace or mercy, and give them an inferiority complex. Presto chango, Muslims. In fact, it's really remarkable we haven't had a civilizational war with them until now. Probably because they are light years behind everybody in technology, but they hope that bombs (particularly nuclear) might even the score, much as Japan hoped the Divine Wind of Kamikaze would save them in late 1945. To quote a friend, wherever they live turns into desert. Islam carved an Empire out of heretical Christian and Jewish territory (a warning to bad theology). They conquered everything they own with the sword. They still punish rapes by executing the victim. They cut women's mouths to the ear for not wearing a burkha. If there is a hell, no doubt they are already there. They are known for their latent homosexuality (I could quote sources, but I prefer not to). They do not believe that the Koran has any human elements, in contrast to the Christian belief in revelation, involving veils and subjective recipients. George Grant is right. There is blood on the moon. And, of course, the moon was actually the Babylonian god Sin. They are frozen in amber of the ninth century. There is a war brewing. It will be up to the barbarians how far we have to go to stop them.


Blogger Matthew C Smallwood said...

I base that belief on the fact that there is a huge deal of literature in hagiography (saints' lives) and in medieval chronicles that seems to indicate the frequency of preternatural events during the Dark Ages. Generally speaking, I would expect to find demonology of very great interest in any area that had not been Christian for at least a century. I will try to post a couple of links.

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your supposition concerning the source of Islam and your views on demonic activity. I also like this quote much: "It will be up to the barbarians how far we have to go to stop them." A slap on the wrist with an offer of enough Gospel, food, water and peace to make the deserts bloom or we can turn the sand to glass. Their choice. Mahaffey

8:59 PM  

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