A periodic journal dedicated to Schlegel's view of a united Western Culture (Europa) and a united Christian, Orthodox, Apostolic Church. The author will quote sources when not detractory, but many of his historical observations are not original and derive from Baron Ledhin, Rosenstock-Huessy, Oswald Spengler, and other German thinkers. Among planned titles include: Axum (First Christian kingdom), Jane Austen and Anglican Orthodoxy in Blessed Britain, and The Russian Genius for Suffering.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Oikumene and Demons

The Oikumene is the civilized world. Under the Beast, demons such as the Prince of Persia and the Beast of Ephesus operated inside the civilized world. Judea seems to have been the focus of the demons activity. In this, we would do well to remember the saying - Demons inhabit decayed altars. Hence, the enormity of Carthage, a beast reproduced from Philistia that sacrificed babies to Molech. After the Incarnation, demons were cast out of Christ's kingdom into the outer darkness of Thuringia, Cathay, darkest Africa. As the Gospel progressed, and as saints did battle with the princes of the power in the air of their countries, demons were relegated to the wilderness. Demon possession became, not common, but uncommon. This is changing. With the general apostasy, UFOs and Demonology is once again important reading. I have yet to read of a Christian "abductee". It is common and fashionable today to dismiss the Dark Ages as ignorant and unlettered and superstitious (which they were as much as we are today). Even Christians discount the stories of confrontations with preternatural powers. But with growing interest in the occult, these days are over. It is the sign of the cross that terrifies them, and the incense of living sacrifices to God. We ought neither to dismiss them nor to study them too closely.


Blogger Matthew C Smallwood said...

The phrase I used is a paraphrase of CS Lewis', about the opposite dangers of unbelief and unhealthy interest. So it's unoriginal. No Christian can be harmed by a demon in any permanent way (in their spirit), but I do think they can terrify an unfaithful soul or harm our bodies, if we give them opportunity. But I think we really have to go out of our way in disobedience to do so. Either that, or be the subject of a divine wager in a tragic comedy, like Job.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Tuor said...

fasc. post. Where does the following come from: ". In this, we would do well to remember the saying - Demons inhabit decayed altars. Hence, the enormity of Carthage, a beast reproduced from Philistia that sacrificed babies to Molech. "

10:45 AM  

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